Facebook to Learn English

Using Facebook to Learn English

Posted September 19th, 2010 | Education, Lifestyle, Politics, Social | Tags: Facebook, Learning English
Nowadays, Facebook becomes a popular social network sites around the world. According to some news, it has more than 320 million users around the world. Facebook, has a lot of members around the world.
In Facebook, people could share what’s on their mind. When a person is happy or sad, the world will know it if that person share it on Facebook. Just open Facebook, then write at your wall and click share; everybody whom are connected to you will know you’re feeling. In Facebook, you could tell your story.
The development of technology sounds like two sides of coins. In one side, it is a useful media to communicate with others. You may find your old friends who are separated by seas, contact your parents in different cities, and or discussing new discovery using chatting feature.
In different sites, Facebook makes addiction for the users. One of internet rental’s keepers in Malang says to me that Facebook users could spend hourly in their computer just opening Facebook.
He says that there are more than 60 percent visitors at his Internet rental, based on his observation; spend more than 3 hours just for Facebook. For him Facebook makes people dependence in his Internet rental. For my Professor, Prof, Yudi Cahyono, that phenomenon is helpful to improve English language skill for Facebook users.
Prof Yudi, stated that Facebook is useful media to learn English especially learning writing. In his paper, USING FACEBOOK TO ENHANCE STUDENTS’ SKILL IN ESSAY WRITING, he argues that Facebook is useful media to learn English especially in writing.
Based on my point of view, his method in using Facebook to learn writing is simple and easy to follow. He makes Facebook accounts then asks his students to publish their writing at their Facebook accounts. After that, Prof Yudi and his students gives feedback to that students writing.
I think his method is fun, everybody; off course Facebook users love it. By using Facebook, students will learn happily and full of joy. The students learn using their hobby, Facebooking and updating. So, Facebook is a useful media to learn English, especially writing in English.

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